Relationships between man and woman are so interesting. How do some become so successful while others totally fail? Yes, I do know some of us have some severe baggage, but I've seen even those relationships make it through for years, very strongly.

My marriage didn't make it. Both of us, myself and my ex, look back and laugh. He said, "If I had just acted right, we'd still be together." I fought for him for 4 years! How long should I have stayed in that battle, that war? I had my share of faults as no one is perfect. Apparently, he was doing some things I was not aware of...I never wanted to know. What does it really take for a marriage to make it?
I know couples who have been married for 40 years and they know infidelity has occurred (and may still be occurring) yet they stay together. They sleep in separate rooms and have separate lives. It's like a divorce without the legal process. What happens when the people in the relationships change? How does that get handled? What is the effect on the trust in the marriage?