It's been a long and busy week. The assistant I've hired is working out very well. I am still getting calls for more day care kids. I will be calling the licensing office today to see what the requirements are to make the day care a "large" day care. I'm still somewhat nervous but I think it's because I'm not sure of the process to go large with the day care or how it works to have 14 kids and an employee. I've never "employeed" anyone before. It seems to be a "huge" responsibility. I'm sure I will feel better once I speak with the licensing office. I've worked with 9 kids in my day care without an assistant, but that was back in the day when I was much younger. I never had 9 kids for the entire day. I usually had the school aged later in the day as some of the little ones were leaving for the day. So, I may have had 9 kids for maybe an overlap of time of an hour. Fourteen is a lot more. It would primarily be school aged kids in the afternoon, with an overlap of time with the little ones of about 2 hours. Having an assistant would be extremely helpful.My other concern is, my day care is set up for little ones, ages 1 through 3 or 4 years old. School aged kids tend to become quite bored. Another issue is that of the types of activities older kids. Older kids, primarily boys, tend to play in a very violent manner; shooting, explosions, crashing, etc. I realize they are older, but I don't want the younger ones influenced by such behavior. I am extremely anti-violent. Many of the older kids' movies/t.v. shows involve "action hereos" that fight. The kids tend to mimick this behavior in their play. I really, really don't like it. When we were kids, we played play doh, painted, colored pictures, built things with blocks, lego and tinker toys. There were dolls, barbies, trucks, bikes, jump ropes, etc. Kids today seem less interested in these things. I will explore some things and do some research as to some of my options. Perhaps rearrange the day care room so that I have an area for the older kids. Then purchase some toys/activities that are age appropriate to keep their interest.First step, call licensing office to see what the requirements are.Positive thoughts and prayers :-)