Anyway, I found myself to be relatively irritable last night. So, after the routine with the other kids, I settle down to play with my grandson so that he can become sleepy and go to sleep, which he did by 9:40pm. Just before the doorbell rang at 10:20pm or so, my grandson's head popped up! He was awake! It did not take long for him to go back to sleep. However, he did wake up three times last night. This is still somewhat normal for him. He does have nights where he only wakes up once, but three times is not unusual.
I don't think my tiredness is a result of my grandson's waking up at night. I think I am use to it now. I did think of one more thing this morning that could be the culprit. I haven't been sleeping very well at all for months now. friend recommended B-Stress PM to take before bedtime. In the beginning, about 2 months ago, it seemed to be working nicely.
I'm thinking maybe I don't need it like I did before or it has built up in my system. It may be too strong for the short amount of time that I have to sleep. I get an average of 5 & 1/2 hours of sleep per night. I think to take a sleeping supplement the requirement is 7 to 8 hours sleep. Tonight, I will eliminate that as well.
I've taken out coffee. I've stopped taking the cough syrup. I've stopped my vitamins. Now let's see what this will do. I feel like I did before I started taking my supplements and vitamins. I eliminated a few of them because I wasn't having those particular symptoms anymore i.e. the pain symptoms.
All was good until my allergies went haywire. My body seems confused as it tries to get back on track.
i sure hope that you're feeling better soon....sleep deprivation is not fun, nor is the grueling task of trying to recover from allergy symptoms! hang in there! :)
Oh Pres I feel for you being sleep deprived is no fun at all. Try drinking 2 litres of water a day - it will help to flush out your system and may just be the detox you need.
Thank you so much for your response!
Today is so much better than yesterday. I did not take my B vitamin last night. I took a long hot spa bath and followed up with some stretches. I fell right to sleep.
I did drink lots of water yesterday with that very thought of deluding any toxins from my body. Thanks Polly.
thanks sooo very much for your support...:)
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