Cranky! Cranky! Cranky!One of, or both of, two things is happening. I am pre-pms....Ugh!, due in about a week, and/or definitely in need of a break from life. My usual method of getting away from my life has been recently terminated. It was a dear friend of mine, whom I have not been intimate with, but he was asking me too. He did some very inapproriate things in the far past. I believe it inappropriate for a man to tell
you how much he wants to be with you all the while he is sleeping with other least one the I definitely know of. Do not try to give me the impression that you are committed to me all the while you are doing your "stuff" which is why I would not go there in the first place. To have it confirmed just threw everything out the window. So, no more get-aways with him.Therefore, I am going to restore my small little motorhome so I can
take her to the beach for a weekend or two. Over the drivers cab is a full size bed. Under the large back window is a kitchen table that converts to another full size bed. That small square above the wheel is the frig. & to the right of that is a very small sink. Straight across to the other side of the motorhome is the stove. Right where the picture of the heart is is where the bathroom is about 4 ft x 4 ft. Straight across from the bathroom is the closet. Yes, it is tremendously small! Hey, it works very well.
That sounds fantastic. Good on you. Such a good idea.
That friend of yours must have rocks in his head. Wants his cake and wants to eat it too.
Yes Linda,
14 years we've been going round and round with this issue. I caught him about 9 years ago. I woke up straight out of my sleep at like 4am with a horrible feeling about him. I called my sister and she said to go over to his house.
I did. For the first time, he wouldn't let me in. Then she walks up behind him in her undies. His excuse...they were in the bed reading stories!
All this would be ok if he would let him and I just be friends. Then he would be free to do whatever he wants. All was fine until he tried to take him and I to the next level.
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