Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rollercoaster of Good Events

This weekend was a major rollercoaster of good events. I woke up with a pretty severe migraine and had decided to a muscle relaxant (which I rarely take meds), bring out the heating pad, close my blinds, pass my grandson onto my 17 year old and 14 year old sons until his mommie returned home from work (she works the night shift), then close myself in my room with the blankets over my head. My sons did pretty well with the baby. I managed to get about 2 hours of good silence, even a nap.

When I woke up, I began thinking over the next few days i.e. losing three kids in the daycare, causing a significant adjustment in the budget and not being able to take my boys to see their dad this upcoming weekend. So, I sent a text to their father to let him know. His response brought me to tears! The support and understanding that can come across through a message is unbelieveable! Even though he is happily married to a woman whom I get along with quite well, he went all the way back to when we first met, and described me in such a gentle, sweet manner that it caused all those memories to come flooding back...in a good way! He told me I was right that we should have remained friends, but through it all, look at the good that was produced out of it i.e. our four beautiful children and one beautiful grandson. In addition, he apologized for any pain or discomfort he caused during that time (as I to him in return) and said he still loves (note: not in love with) the woman he met all those years ago. It was sooo touching, yes, I blubbered all over the place! We agreed to forgive each other (again!) and continue to support each other as friends, parents and grandparents. It was really, really nice.

Then on monday morning, as I prepared to open the daycare, I received a phone call from one of the parents who was due to be layed off. She informed me that her job had prepared another position for her and that I will be keeping her son in the daycare! What a relief to the budget! Plus, he is a sweetie and it is nice not to have to find another child, although I am still two children short of meeting the budget. On another positive note, having such a small group is sooo much easier to work with, Lol! I can provide so much more attention to each of them, but you gotta love 'em all!

Though my migraine is still lingering, I did manage to bake some chicken breasts that I picked up by accident when we went grocery shopping last saturday. I usually don't care for the breast, but I thought since I have them, might as well go for it. They turned out really good! Not dry at all! Made them with garlic, lemon pepper and fresh onions. Looking forward to dinner tonight!

As for the baby, my grandson, he is doing well on his new sleeping schedule. He is crying less during the day too. Yesterday, while on the floor on his tummy, he turned over twice! His mom who is going to school during the day and working at night, was here to see and she was so excited! I was glad she was able to see such a small but significant turning point for her little baby boy.

Well, I had better go now. Expecting two more kids to arrive soon and have to do after-school pick up later. Need to take advantage of the rest time right now with the kids being down for nap.
