Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy Today

The kids are having a very good day. Me? Well, the allergies have subsided, but I am still just as lethargic as I was this Fairly easy day today, so I'm not particularly bothered by it. These types of days become difficult when I have a houseful of children. Wednesdays and Fridays are those days, full house all day plus night children til 10:30 pm! Yes, makes for very long days with children. Yesterday wasn't too bad. The kids, though being "kids", did well...especially considering I couldn't take them outside during early afternoon or early evening due to the high winds and cool air. Perhaps, that is why I am the way I am today...:) I really don't think about the day before and its effects. Hmmmm.....

See blogging helps us solve even our own delimas!

Here Today...:)

I'm up and busy this morning. Not sure which direction I'm going in or where I'm going, but I'm here!! Just one of those mornings. I believe this is what Ms. FFF referred to in one of her blog entries, lol! Sometimes, we feel like we are just existing, can't feel ourselves. I think it's funny to me now because, after reading Ms. FFF's blog and so many people responding to it, I now know, I'm not crazy!
I think some of what I'm feeling is the change in weather. Those high winds can kick up a lot of dust, in addition to it being Spring now. All the pollens are out there too. My eyes and ears are quite itchy. Just now took an allergy pill.

My plan is to take the day slow and easy. I will only have two daycare kids today. They are well behaved 3 year old little boys. My grandson is in much better spirits today as well. So, we will see what the day will hold for these 3 little boys..:)